How to set up my connection with ConnectWise?

  1. Generate public and private ConnectWise API keys dedicated to Office Protect

First, you need to generate public and private ConnectWise API keys dedicated to Office Protect so we can access your ConnectWise environment. Make sure the right permissions are granted to the key.

Learn more in this article.

        2. Enter your credentials 

You then need to go to Office Protect Integrations section. You will be prompted for:

  • Your ConnectWise site URL
    Format example:
  • Your company id: the one you use to login to ConnectWise Manager
  • The API public and private keys you generated at step 1

When clicking on "Check connection", Office Protect will verify that entered information are correct, and that the right permissions are granted to the key.

        3. Configure your integration

Organization mapping

In the organization mapping, you need to match your Office Protect active tenants with your ConnectWise companies. You can choose to enable or disable the flow with Office Protect for each tenant.

If flow is disabled for a tenant, or if the tenant is not mapped to any ConnectWise company, Office Protect will not record any tickets for this tenant in your ConnectWise environment.

Ticket settings (Optional)

You can choose to select the status in which tickets will be created. Please note that the integration will not work if you select a closed status.

Emergency contact

Before saving your configuration, you need to enter an emergency contact email address, so we can alert you if your integration with ConnectWise is broken.

After clicking on "Confirm setup", your integration will be up and running.

Important: after your integration set up, security events raised in the last last 48 hours will be created in your ConnectWise environment

        4. Tickets creation

While your integration with ConnectWise is up and running, security events tickets will be created in your ConnectWise board.

The board:

The tickets are created in the default service board set for the API member (see this article). If you have not defined a default service board on the API member, the tickets will be created on your default ConnectWise board.

The ticket fields:

  • Company (mapped with the concerned tenant)
  • EstimatedStartDate (event triggering date/hour, same as in the email)
  • Summary: title of the alert (same as the email title)
  • Description: detailed description of the alert (same as the email description)
  • RecordType: ServiceTicket